Canadian Retail and Wholesale Guidelines

The following information will help consumers and both retail and wholesale ice manufacturers better understand your government’s regulations for packaged ice. 
We have also included information about the government’s retail inspection program. 

Please note that this list is subject to change, and not intended to be exhaustive or all-encompassing. For questions about this resource, or for details on any applicable federal, provincal, and local regulations, please contact us or speak to the regulators in your jurisdiction.

Health Products and Food Branch Regulatory Standards, Guidelines

The purpose of this document is to provide the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and all interested parties a reference of the current regulatory standards, guidelines and their associated methods developed and/or evaluated by the Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) in consultation with regional staff of HPFB, CFIA and other agencies, regarding foods following identification of a microbiological health and safety concern.

These methods may have originated from the HPFB, CFIA or other internationally recognized agencies, and have been approved for inclusion in the Compendium of Analytical Methods by the Microbiological Methods Committee. This document should be of assistance to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in determining the appropriate compliance action. Recommended actions are to be based on the risk posed by the microbiological hazard found in a food including consideration of the severity of the hazard and the potential exposure e.g. if the food is to be sold to a sensitive population.

International Packaged Ice Association logo

Trade-marks Certificate of Registration

This is to certify that the trade-mark, identified in the attached extract from the register of trade-marks, has been registered and that the said extract is a true copy of the record of its registration.

In accordance with the provisions of the Trade-marks Act, this trade-mark is subject to renewal every 15 years from the registration date.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The Administrative Burden Baseline provides Canadians with a clear metric on the total number of requirements in federal regulations and associated forms that impose administrative burden on business. This baseline contributes to the openness and transparency of the federal regulatory system. Administrative burden includes planning, collecting, processing and reporting of information, and completing forms and retaining data required by the federal government to comply with a regulation. This includes filling out licence applications and forms, as well as finding and compiling data for audits and becoming familiar with information requirements.